Friday, June 1, 2007

Thing 23: The End!!

I'm all done, I'm finished!! I found the exercises in the beginning and the end more fun and definitely would utilize. I'm thinking about starting a wiki just to show myself I can and plan on doing blogs to post on my kennel website that will track upcoming litters. Many of the discoveries in the 23 Things I don't use daily in my work life but I'm glad I had the experience. I would definitely participate in a program like this again. When I have more time, I'd like to re-do some of the exercises, just to see if I would gain more when I don't have dealines looming over me. I can't seem to get high speed internet at home thus downloads, YouTube, podcasts etc are not in my near future, but still one can hope!

Thing 22 Audiobooks

Ooh, the end is so near I can smell it! Several titles from NetLibrary are now on my favorites list, waiting to be downloaded. To entice myself to do weeding chores last year, I bought a portable cd player and started listening to books. Now with so many more books available, I should finally reach my goal of weed free gardens!

Thing 21: Podcasts, Smodcasts!

I played with all the directories and liked Yahoo Podcasts the best. I'm rushing a bit trying to finish all these exercises before June 6 and a search for library podcasts didn't pop up anything quick or enticing. I'll play with this more once I have that MP3 player and can download something to listen to while I'm working in the garden.

Thing 20 YouTube

This was a fun exercise. I had poked around YouTube before when this was first posted. My internet at home is extremely slow so I've not been able to do much with this site. First I tried to find something on the Collie National I went to in March but came up empty. My uncle sent me this clip and I love watching this horse, so I searched until I found it.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thing 19

I wanted to have some fun so for this exercise, I tried Fun Stuff and Cocktail Maker (because it is 5:00 somewhere!) Unfortunately, I'm not a big hard liquor drinker so I was limited to exploring recipes with beer. The Irish Pancake sounds intriquing!

Thing 18 Zoho Writer

I've used some other web based apps without knowing that was proper term. We have a Mac at home, so I'm always looking for ways to send documents to my pc friends. After searching for quite awhile for a Mac compatible pedigree generator, a friend told me about a web based apps--voila! But, by the time I learned about it, I had already spent money on a very limited program that took forever to download. I definitely want to explore Zoho Writer and Google Docs for more apps.

Thing 17

I would rather play with my dogs than play in this wiki sandbox. Maybe I'm feeling the pressure of June 6 looming plus Rust closing plus home chores (weeding, weeding, weeding!) but I didn't find this exercise to be that useful. But, at least it's finished and I can go on to Thing 18!